This official sponsor may provide discounts for members you must log in or register to reply here. The black wire to the lone screw on the 3 way light switch.

Zooz Z Wave Plus Dimmer Light Switch Zen22 Ver 3 0
Dimmer switch with regular switch. The typical connections are as follows. There are also three way dimmers that work with regular three way switches to provide dimmer control at one of the two switch locations the regular switch just turns the light on an off. Disconnect the traveler andor common wires from the dimmer switch. If youre replacing a standard toggle switch that controls a light from a single location youll need a single pole dimmer. Electrical a regular switchdimmer switch combo for several lights home improvement stack exchange consider this set up those are ordinary switches at location 1234. I want to replace switch 2 with a dimmer.
Take extreme caution while working with electricity. How to change a dimmer switch to a normal switch. Most of the click regular stuff is pretty modular and you can swap out the normal switch for a dimmer. Loosen the screw that holds the grounding wire to the switch and remove the dimmer switch from the switch box. Next using a pair of needle nose pliers wrap the bare ground wire around the green screw at the bottom of the new standard switch. If you have any doubts in any step contact a professional electrician.
Switch 2 connects to an led light. You can replace the dimmer switch with a regular light switch only from what you have described you need to install a 3 way light switch not a single pole light switch.