Use our tire calculator to compare tire sizes based on tire diameter radius sidewall height circumference revs per mile and speedometer difference. Buy products such as goodyear wrangler trailrunner at 27555r20 113 t tire at walmart and save.

Lexani Terrain Beast At 275 55r20 113t Bsw
275 55r20 rim width. Specs may vary by manufacturer. The circumference is 1002 and they have 632 revolutions per mile. Find our selection of 27555r20 tires here. Generally they are approved to be mounted on 75 95 wide wheels. A 275 mm wide tread gives these tires plenty of tread area to put on the road and also more room for deep tread grooves which together mean stronger wet and dry traction. 275 55r20 is a great size for high performance suv tires.
Shop by tire width aspect ratio and rim size across tire brands types and fitments here or at one of our 950 locations. Tire widths for a wheelrim size chart equivalency table. Shop for 27555r20 tires in shop by size. 27555r20 tires have a diameter of 319 a section width of 108 and a wheel diameter of 20. Ford f 150 2020 30 td. Minimum ideal and maximum tire widths eg.
We strive to help you get the information you need about pcd offset rims and all other wheel and tire data that you need for your vehicle. Such tire size may fit the following vehicles. It weighs 488 lbs has a max load of 30852835 lbs a maximum air pressure of 80 psi a tread depth of 1532 and should be used on a rim width of 75 95. We are incredibly happy to announce that the new wheel size app is now available in the google play store. The 27555r20 ironman all country at has a diameter of 3189 a width of 1118 mounts on a 20 rim and has 652 revolutions per mile. For an 7 wheelrim following tire widths can be fitted.
Tire widths for a wheelrim size chart shows what tire widths fit displayed wheelrim sizes shows tire width range for a given rim width. 195 205 215 or 225. 27555r20 113t 24 35.